flowers, humor, photography

Vibrant Synergy

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Vibrant Colors

I like the synergy when a few good things up their game by working together, as with peanuts and chocolate.  When they do not clash, bright colors can work together in vibrant synergy.

Pink and Green:


Magenta and Yellow (with a bee):


With help from blue and green, the pink and yellow flowers in the following photo team up to illustrate a deep truth about statistics.  Really.

Outside of CFFC, I posted the photo along with a beautiful image found on the web that espresses the same deep truth in another way.  Both ways have no equations, no jargon, and no saturated fat.  Click on the photo to see the details.


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4 thoughts on “Vibrant Synergy

    1. Yes, there is a lot of variety in how people react to color combinations.  Context matters too.  I can’t stand having red next to orange (or purple) in a bouquet or clothing, but anything goes for bright fall leaves.

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