haiga, haiku, mundane miracle, photography, serendipity

Rules Took a Round Trip

While I knew that many rules about haiku are rules of thumb rather than definite requirements, I thought that poems in haiku form must have 3 lines.  Then I wrote a 2-line haiku.  While I was not the first to write a 2-line haiku, I may have been the first to write one prompted by a glance at a doorknob.

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Rules Went Away
!Doorknob meteor shower:
!mundane miracle.

Expecting me to refrain from reworking an initial idea at my wordsmith’s forge is like expecting Alice to refrain from following a white rabbit who looks at a watch and frets about being late, in the first few pages of Alice in Wonderland.  Ain’t.  Gonna.  Happen.


Rules Came Back
!Meteor shower
!seen by day in a doorknob:
!mundane miracle.

Like most of my haiku, Rules Came Back obeys the common rules that a haiku has 3 lines and that these lines have syllable counts 5-7-5, with no rhymes.  Long after I wrote them, I noticed that both haiku here obey the rule that the initial and final lines should be interchangeable.  While I hardly ever bother with this gimmicky rule, compliance just happened.

Decades before me, Santoka Taneda (1882-1940) wrote a number of 2-line haiku.  None that I have seen mention any doorknobs.

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16 thoughts on “Rules Took a Round Trip

  1. I love the idea of breaking the rules, especially when it works. The description “mundane miracle” applies to many simple things in life that we don’t acknowledge until it grabs our attention. I find the light can turn something that is mundane into visually intriguing. Happy mundane hunting.

    Liked by 1 person

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