(reblog), grammar, humor, photography

5 Days, 5 Abstract Photos – Day #5

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Day #5 of Olga’s challenge is effectively reblogged at the end of this post, after my own abstract photo.  (I tweaked this post’s title to avoid ambiguity.)  The challenge has been fun but intense.  Now I can turn to whatever has been piling up.  Hmm… Yikes!


Originally posted as
5 Days, 5 Photos Challenge: Abstract (Day 5) | Stuff and what if…:


Rules:  No people.  No explanations.  Open invitation to anyone else who would like to participate.


Since this is the finale, an extra photo to say Merry Christmas and Peace to all.

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10 thoughts on “5 Days, 5 Abstract Photos – Day #5

    1. While composing closeups of my gourd display, I was preoccupied with things like the changing light and avoiding a few icky spots on the gourds.  Then I reviewed what was in the camera and laughed when I saw how sexually suggestive this shot is.  Too naughty to use?  Nah.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Happy that you made it through the challenge, Mellow. It was wonderful to see your interpretations of abstract. Yes, those gourds are quite sensual looking. Ha ha! Have a wonderful holiday week-end. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s rather nice that the series happens to end with pix illustrating different aspects of color vs grayscale.  Yours is one where grayscale may be better; color could distract from the austere composition and varied textures.  Mine is one that would be a jumbled mess w/o color.

      Wonderful week-end to U too. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank-you for paralleling my five day photo journey. As you said earlier, it was fun and that’s what it’s all about; to find joy in what one does. 🙂

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