haiku, humor, politics

Calliope and Geology

The juxtaposition in my title is weird, but Calliope is unfazed.  After all, she is the ancient Greek muse of eloquence, epic poetry, and circus music.


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As American politics in 2016 illustrates, Calliope’s portfolio is not as weird as I would wish.  Neither is my title.

Stale Bread Can Wait
|My muse is stingy (when implored)
|or really bitchy (when ignored).
|If I want to sing of croutons
|(but her fancy turns to plutons),
|I have just one way to go:
|with the mighty magma flow.

As I discovered long ago when I tried to read an English translation of Goethe’s Faust, poetry in couplets tends to sound silly even when it is dead serious.  Now that I have had my little respite from blank verse in haiku form, maybe I should go back to solemn austerity.  Maybe.

What the World Needs
|More silliness from
|those who know they are silly;
|less from the others.

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12 thoughts on “Calliope and Geology

  1. Don’t be in any hurry. Because, yea, we need all the silliness we can get right now.

    Leave it to Mel to go (in a mere 6 lines…and fairly coherent!) from salad adornments to crystallized intrusive igneous rock!

    Confession: I had to “Google” plutons. I was sitting next to Cheryl Coons during my Geology class and all semester my mind was on her thighs instead of the lessons.

    *** bows deeply with respect for even attempting to read Goethe, in any language ***

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There were not many distractions in my classes, but a classroom bldg with floor-2-ceiling windows was across a narrow walkway from my dorm room’s window. The view across and a little upward could be interesting.


  2. I liked your lighthearted poem. I remember having to study poetry written in couplets at high school. I couldn’t help feeling the most appropriate use for it seemed to be mock-epics of poets like Pope. I think you’re right. As a poetic form, it can sound overblown and funny.

    Liked by 1 person

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