flowers, haiku, photography

Fall Preview

As happens in many years where I live, late August of 2015 was a sneak preview of fall, the year’s best season.  August teases; September backslides and hesitates; October triumphs in the end.


As happens in many years where I live, late August of 2015 was a sneak preview of fall, the year’s best season:

Days are still too warm, but more are dry and breezy while fewer are hot and humid.  A few cool nights lead to chilly mornings, and I suddenly notice that my garden flag with a picture of phlox is out-of-season.  The roadsides have goldenrod and purple loosestrife now.

Virginia creeper is turning, as are some red maples in wet areas.  Nearly all the healthy trees are still green, but there is a hint of yellow in many of those greens.  The process will slow to a crawl in September; I will spend much of that month grumbling when the weather backslides and thinking “C’mon! C’mon!” when I look at green leaves.


|Bright sun and cool air;
|azure skies and pumpkin pies.
|Leaves fall in glory.

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7 thoughts on “Fall Preview

  1. All of us are in for a winter. Fall is my favourite season, too, but I don’t think it will last very long…guess that’s why they call it “fall.” Beautiful photos.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It is a pretty time of year. I am a warm weather junky although my home town provides 4 distinct seasons. This was a hot summer limiting some of my usual outdoor activities. My beagle is once again enjoying our treks through the woods in search of “dangerous” squirrels to “hunt.” I love animals (even squirrels) and enjoy my boy as he bays at the scent of these critters. He believes himself to be a great hunter although he has never come close to catching a squirrel or rabbit. When we return from our walks/runs his chest appears larger from the bold pride in his efforts.

    Jackets will be a needed accessory in the not too distant future. Don’t you wonder what this coming season will bring?

    I enjoyed the flow of your haiku. It places me alone in the mountains where the fresh air is cool, yet relaxing. A retreat that provides solace and a wonderful place to restore balance. Maybe its time to make this a reality!

    Liked by 1 person

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